Launching the Coalition for digital Education

Launching the Digital Education Coalition

Today, 8 October 2019, the signatory organisations are launching the Digital Education Coalition – an informal endeavour that aims to support the development of quality digital education in Romania and the adaptation of the educational offer so that it Prepare children and young people to transform society and the labour market under the impact of technological trends. EC proposes its digital education coalition:

  • -To be a voice of organisations (formal or informal, public or private) working in the field of digital education;
  • -To be a dialogue partner in relation to the Ministry of National Education, the Government of Romania, members of the Romanian parliament and local and central public authorities, as well as with other institutions, organisations or companies interested in education Digital
  • -To contribute, through active organisations, to the extension and consolidation of non-formal training in the field of digital education and inclusion in the educational equation, together with schools, library spaces, Makerspace, Technology hubs, etc., which represent territories of knowledge complementary to formal education;
  • -Provide the resources, experience gained so far and share good practice, already tested, in the digital field, both teachers and pupils.

  The organisations that initiated this approach are: Coder Dojo Bucharest Association, E-Civis Association, National Association of Romanian Libraryers and libraries, Association for Creative STEM Education (CRESTEM), Techsoup Association, ECDL ROMANIA, the Federation of Romanian Community Foundations and the EOS-Educating for an Open Society foundation. The eight organisations promote digital education among pupils and young people through concrete and varied activities, contributing to the development of this type of education in Romania. Thus, the signatories formed in this area about 1,500 teachers from Romania, conducted lessons with about 18,000 pupils, including rural areas, and managed to mobilise alongside them and human resources outside the education system Involving more than 250 mentors in their work. The signatory organisations are launching this on the occasion of the EU programming Week-an initiative on the strand of grass that each of the signatory organisations supports, which aims to bring digital programming and competences out of the reach of everyone, In a fun and engaging way. Europe Code Week is part of the Digital Education Action Plan adopted by the European Commission by the year 2020 and is already at the 7th edition.   For further information, please contact: Ana-Maria Stancu, president of the E-Civis Association, 0721 678 764, Ştefan Rădulescu, president of the CRESTEM Association, 0726 103 246, Gabriela Ford, Director, foundation EOS, 0744 770687, Elena Coman, program Director, Techsoup Association,

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