Tech Camp Bucharest

The main purpose of the project was to present the NGO groups in Romania various methods to use the new technology in achieving their objectives and mission.

Tech Camp Bucharest is the sixth conference in a series of events that support the initiative of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, called “Civil Society 2.0”, aimed to increase the degree of digital literacy of NGOs around the world.

Tech Camp Bucharest gathered around 50 civil society organizations that interacted with experts in information technology, librarians, IT trainers working for the Biblionet Program (an initiative of the Bill & Melinda Foundation Gates), coordinators of the American corners and representatives of the private sector and of some foundations in Romania. The participants have received information, shared by those who have already put them in practice, in areas such as online organization, mapping, social media and the use of mobile applications. The purpose of the meeting was for these civil society groups to be able to use new technologies to increase their network of supporters and to communicate more efficiently in a constantly changing world.  

Opening Word from US ambassador

Speech by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

The project was implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Communications and Information Society, IREX Foundation and the National Democratic Institute in Romania.

The project was conducted between October and February 2012 and had the financial support of 16 000 USD, from the Embassy of the United States of America, UTI, Orange and IBM.

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